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So, You Are Moving and Have to Downsize – Yikes!
Most people will only downsize if they have to, usually when they move. Many people find this an overwhelming time in their lives. This...
How to Move - Moving Day!
Grab your personal items, change of clothes, documents, computer, box of dishes and linens and put it in your car or with a friend so...
How to Move Weeks 2 and 3
Week 2 Notify address change to government services (i.e. Drivers License, Medical Services, Pension), credit cards, magazine...
How to Move!
So, you’ve reduced, reused and recycled, you’ve found new homes for everything else, either through auction, garage sale or some other...
So You Have to Downsize - How?
Start with a process: reduce, reuse, recycle. It sounds easy, but you have to make difficult decisions. Start with a cupboard and don't...
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